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  • What do we do when we come for our first lesson?
    When arriving at the Lawson stop at the front desk, tell the front desk you are there for diving and wait for them to scan you through. DO NOT just walk through, it is important that you are scanned, if there is a line please wait. Proceed to the blue bleachers on the North side of the building and sit in the stands where the coach will come and collect the divers at the designated start time.
  • Can parents stay and watch?
    You are welcome to stay and watch, however it is required that you sit in the bleachers when observing as we must keep the diving area for coaches and athletes only. When the lesson is over the coach will bring athletes back to the bleacher area. Spectators must sit on the bleachers across from the middle tank (they are the bleachers that are pulled out). We've recently had parents pulling chairs past the bleachers, unfortunately, this is not our area to use. If you have someone picking up your child please remind them of this also. We all know that this is not an ideal spot to watch the divers but we must adhere to the City of Regina rules.
  • What should the kids wear?
    Please have your child ready in their bathing suit (and any training clothes they may want to wear such as sport bottoms/top).
  • When are the recreational sessions?
    The diving season runs from September to June so we usually have a fall(Sept-Dec), Winter(Jan-Mar) and Spring(April to June) session. We also try to offer week long summer camps depending on the City of Regina scheduling and pool availability.
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