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RDC News

Regina Diving Club's Lila Stewart is making a splash at the national level



Regina diver Lila Stewart, 11, quickly proved to be a natural when she took up the sport at age four.

Not just for jocks: Regina's Martin Academy looks to balance sports training with academics



5 years in, sports focused high school program is seeing international success

Team Sask brings home the hardware from 2019 Summer Seniors



2 Senior Medals is kind of a big deal!  


Rylan Wiens finishes strong with 10's on his last dive to claim his first ever senior national title on tower and congratulations to Alyssa Clairmont who won a bronze medal on 1m at Senior Nationals, it was a nail biter to the last dive.  


Alyssa also made a bit of history, claiming the RDC’s first-ever Senior Nationals medal with her bronze medal in Windsor (252.80).  


Great diving Rylan and Alyssa, and great coaching Mary and Laura !


Click HERE to see Dive Canada Pics!

Two Regina divers heading south on scholarships



Already two of the best divers in all of Canada for their age group, Alyssa Clairmont and Bjorn Markentin of the Regina Diving Club are taking their talents south this fall. @DIVESASK @DuffyGlobal has the details.







Regina Diving Club wins the Diving Canada Club of the Year -"Team Awesome" - at the AGM in Ottawa this weekend. We pass on to RDC the many compliments and congratulations that we received on your behalf. To add icing to the cake, both RDC and SDC won $1000 gift cards from Speedo! An overall great weekend.


Click HERE to read the story.



Bjorn Markentin signs with University of Arizona!

More exciting news! Bjorn has signed with the University of Arizona for next year. Congratulations Bjorn, you will be missed but we are so excited for your next adventure!

Alyssa Clairmont signs with Texas A&M for 2019!

We are so proud to announce that Alyssa has signed to Texas A&M next year! We will be sad to see her go but are so excited for her next adventure. Thankfully we still have the rest of the 2018-2019 season with her! Congratulations Alyssa!

2018 DiveSask Awards Banquet

Congratulations to our award recipients, well done!


Top Novice A                Eden Manz
Top Novice B                Fiona Hubick
Tope Novice D             Bella Gerolami
Top Novice E                Claire McCullough


Rookie of the Year      Finlee Sharp

Top E Female                Molly Mayer
Top D Female                Lila Stewart
Top C Female                 Brooklyn O’Day
Top B Male                     Jesse Fischer
Top A Female                Alyssa Clairmont
Top Senior Female       Alyssa Clairmont

Top Novice Coach         Taylor Fyhn
Top Developmental Coach     Daphne Anne Hodgson

Top Novice Team          Regina Diving Club
Top Age Group Team   Regina DIving Club
Top Club                           Regina Diving Club
Head Coach of the Year           Laura Desautels


Click HERE to see the pics!

RDC Awards Night

Congratulations to all the award winners!


Most Improved:                                             Chelsey Dorosh

                                                                            & Claire Werner
Most Dedicated:                                            Presley Deck
Most Promising:                                            Lila Stewart
Artistic:                                                             Amelia Sharp
Top Junior Elite Male:                                  Bjorn Markentin
Top Junior Elite Female:                             Alyssa Clairmont
Top Junior Development Male:                 Freddie Moffat
Top Junior Development Female:            Lila Stewart
Top Senior:                                                     Alyssa Clairmont
Most Improved Novice:                               Claire McCullough
Most Dedicated Novice:                              Madison


                                                                            & Leisel Horejda
Top Novice Male:                                          Carter Green
Top Novice Female:                                      Fiona Hubick
Most Improved Junior Development:      Audrey Probe
Most Dedicated Junior Development:    Mackenna Potts
Top Junior Development Female:            Finlee Sharp
Top Junior Development Male:                 Freddie Moffat
Best Wipe Out:                                               Presley Deck
Most Wipe Outs:                                            Jesse Fisher


Click HERE to see the pics!

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